Quality and Environmental Policy of EURO-EKO Sp. z o. o.
Our core activity is the production of alternative fuels while minimizing environmental impact. The quality policy stems from the adopted strategy of maintaining and improving the high quality of our products. The operation of the facility complies with all legal norms and regulations.
Every EURO-EKO employee is responsible for quality and understands the obligations arising from this responsibility.
The main objectives of EURO-EKO’s policy are:
– Strengthening EURO-EKO Sp. z o. o.’s position by meeting the requirements of customers and other stakeholders through quality and environmental management tools.
– Making every effort to ensure that the company operates in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.
– Conducting production processes with care for the safe working conditions of our employees.
– Continuously strengthening the company’s market position by building mutually beneficial relationships based on reliability with customers and suppliers.
– Providing equipment and resources necessary to implement established procedures within the quality management system, especially resources enabling the testing and control of our products.
– Company operations aimed at the continuous improvement of quality and environmental management systems.
Decisions required under the Waste Act:
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